Cichlid Knowledge
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Common Cichlid Information.
Here you find all the common information you need to own Cichlids. From, pH. levels to the needed temperature. Hopefully this will help you in the quest to create the greatest Cichlid tank to the best of your abilities.

'Frontosa Cichlid'
from Lake Tanganyika, Africa.

We love all Cichlids here at Cichlids.iwarp, big or small, (or goofy looking).
  Common African Cichlid Information.
I think African Cichlids are the best type of Cichlids on the current market. They have brilliant colours and I think are a much more interesting type of Cichlid to own. These are some of the key points needed to own and maintain an African Cichlid aquarium.
1.Probably the most important point of all is the pH. levels. African Cichlids require a very alkaline pH.level, at least 8.5 to survive.
2.Next the water must have a high oxygen level. There must be an adequate amount of water breakage, for the oxygen to combine into the water.
3.Never, use Cichlids to cycle a tank, if a Cichlid is exposed to high nitrate it will die within 1-2 days.
4.Try and make atleast 3/4 of the tank in height, rockwork for the fish to hide in.
5.The temperature in your tank should be around 25 degrees celcius. Try not to let it go too low or too much over. Anything over or under 3 degrees should be looked at immediately.

Common American Cichlid Information.
Although American Cichlids dont have as much colour as African Cichlids, they are still as good to keep.
In nature American Cihlids are used to living really spaced apart. In aquariums people tend to try and pack in as many American Cichlids in as they can but this is not entirely a great thing to do. So try and keep your American Cichlid count down or their will be a lot of fights for teritory, which may end in fatalities.
1.The pH. level in your American Cichlid tank should be around 7.0. But remember this can vary from your type of Cichlid.
2.Put in some caves for the fish to hide in.
3.Remember that Cichlids do not tolerate nitrate.
4.The temperature should be around 24-25 degrees.
Thats about all the information you need to have a good and healthy American Cichlid tank. ENJOY.

e-mail Steve at

Keep It Constant.
Try and keep everything from ph. to the temperature at the same levels at all times. If levels change drastically or too fast they will kill your cichlids. The chemicals needed to change your ph. levels are, Sodium Bicarbonate (which raises the ph.) and Sodium Biphosphate (which lowers the ph.). The pH should be checked about every week, and changed if needed. Every week you should do a 15% water change to 'freshen' the water.

e-mail Toby at

from South America.

If you think of buying an Oscar, please take into consideration that they can grow to around 30cm, and are very messy and aggressive.

Message from Steve!
I had some big Oscars which were all in the one tank. And when my man Toby says they are messy, he's not lying. I had to have the best filtration in there (big Ehiem canister filter) and I couldnt keep them with many other fish. Unfortunatly they always fought and they eventually broke the heater and they died. But I have some smaller Oscars now and they are growing strong, so soon i will have some huge messy Oscars again.

from Central America.

If you want a fish to breed, then a Convict is the one. They are very easy to breed and look good too.

Another Message From Steve
I had a comunity tank set up in my room when I first started my quest into being a cichlid keeper. I had some Convicts in there and they bred no sweat.
I didnt even try to make them breed!. They kept breeding, and so I sold them to pet shop's and made some easy money to buy more expensive fish and equiptment.

This page was last updated on 20/7/03