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Welcome To Cichlids.iwarp.
Here at we know all there is to know about Cichlids. From breeding to names, area, size, colour and requirements. I hope you enjoy the site and I certainly hope you find what you came looking for. So sit down, take a look around and enjoy.
Listing Site Updates. was built on the-15/7/03. And last updated on the 20/7/03.
African Cichlids of the Rift Lakes require a fair bit of rock work in the tank to support their aggressive nature, they also need a high alkaline level (around 9.0) to survive. On the other hand American Cichlids don't need quite so much rock work as their African cousins do. They require a pH. level of around 7.4 normally but this can vary depending on your species of Cichlid.

Please help us at Cichlids.iwarp.
All you cool Cichlid owners out there can help us in our quest to create the ultimate Cichlid aquarium site, by e-mailing us your pictures and information you would like to be included into this site. Thank you from all of us here at cichlids.iwarp.

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'Electric blue Hap Ali'
from the waters of Lake Malawi.

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