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These are just a few diseases your fish can catch.
Most of these diseases can be cured by natural remedy's, like using the juices from an Alovera plant from your garden. But others may have to be cured by chemicals.

'White Spot'
This disease can affect any fish big or small. It is caused by a build up of stress in your fish. If your fish are affected then you should do a 30% water change and try and eradicate any stressful things in the tank. It could be a violent fish or just dirty water.
'Pop Eye'
This is a disease in which case, both or just one eye 'pop' out from the head. It could be caused by infection or injury. Veterinary help is required with this disease.
This is very common among cold water fish. In this case up to 10mm long Louse attach them selves to the fish. This is not a threatining thing. Just perform a 15% water change and clean the filter.
This is where a fish is born 'Deformed'. These fish should never be bred or sold. It is not possible to avoid this happening.
'Hole In Head'
Where small holes appear in the fishes head and body. This condition often affects Cichlids. Make sure everything is at right levels like pH etc. and maybe add a little vegetable matter to the fishes diet.

This is very common in Oscars.
'Fin Rot'
Where the fins are damaged or torn. This is caused by bacteria. Add some salt to the water or use the Alovera remedy.

This is very common with Salmon Cat Fish ive'd had about 4 and all of them have died from 'Fin Rot' it probly didn't help that I had them with Oscars
Where a cotton like growth appears on the fishes body. This can be treated with Fungicides. Check water conditions and the temperature.

this page was last updated on 20/7/03